fear of the white paper
It started with me wanting to improve my drawing skills. But drawing without a purpose is difficult. So I made it into a challenge:
To make up a Company with a technology that realistically might not see the light of day in the next 1-200 years - or maybe ever. Let the technology exist now - in the hands of an altruistic person - make it into a brand, and create a campaign!
Now I have been working on this project for more than a year. In between work, #HasseMat, family and friends.
I haven’t included all my thoughts and processes but limited it to a concensate of it all. I did my own small brand audit, and the insight work using models from a masterclass I attended: Strategy and Insight (Creacom) in order to define the right problem to solve. I’m not a media expert and have therefore not included any media strategy. But as a creative just done a lot of executions.
This is a product of fiction and I have taken a lot of liberties describing technology. Whether or not it is realistic really doesn’t matter. But where the technology exist I have tried to comply.
The solutions I have pictured might not be the most efficient ways to solve the problems, but again that has never been the point.
Bottom line: I love robots and I love to Sketch/Draw/Paint. I’m working in advertising, so combining it all into one project, seemed like a good idea :-)
+45 2860 9999 Ole Rydal
All illustrations are drawn digitally, without the use of any 3D-software, on an iPad Pro using Procreate.
Sketches and artwork
work in progress
The next chapters will include: feeding the world and ensuring fresh water for those who hasn’t