The uncanny valley theory:
“We react positively to robots if they have psysical features familiar to us, but they disturb us if they start looking to much like us.”
With that in mind the design is inspired by the animal kingdom. The look is recognizable but not human. Anthropomorphism translate to animals acting like humans and we are attracted to nonhumans mirroring human behaviour until it looks to much like us. The result is robots looking primitive and therefore not challenging our superiority.
What separates us from animals is neocortex. The logical thinking part of the brain. Primates are driven by the reptillian brain that is about survival and the limbic system that contains memory and emotions.
RoboCorps robots are mechanical robots. They lacks the neocortex to avoid them thinking for them self (and come to the conclusion that humans mainly are a bumb on the road to perfection). It is machines programmed to do specific tasks, but with an awareness of their surroundings making them cabable of reacting to events and in some way feel if there’s a problem or someone are in need of assistence. Their memory is used by humans to modify and upgrade their abbilities. So their learning capacity is limited to what input they are provided with.
They are made without exposed parts that would make them vulnerable to the environment. they are rather edgy - because they are not toys but meant to be used profesionally. They have faces but with rather limited expression options to maintain distace to humans.
The energy source is, an impossible CoolFusion™ driven Gravity engine. It’s green without creating much pollution (the isotopes are radioactive but the amount of waste is rather small.) Robots with legs seems like an oldfashined way to move around. So they are equipped with engines that makes them levitate (not creating heat exhaust but maintaining a comfortable temperature allowing living people to go underneath them without getting vaporised). And it’s making them agile to any surface.
The Robots obey to Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics:
§1 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
§2 A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
§3 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.